Diabetes Watch

Diabetes is a chronic illness that affects millions of people, as their body cannot produce enough insulin to regulate their blood glucose levels.
Regardless of whether you're a healthy individual, a Type-1 or Type-2 diabetic, maintaining healthy blood glucose levels is crucial as the symptoms of diabetes can disrupt your day if not properly managed. The consequences of uncontrolled diabetes can be severe and may include:
❌ Risk of stroke
❌ Loss of consciousness
❌ Glaucoma
❌ High-blood pressure
❌ Kidney & nerve damage
Therefore, it is essential to prioritize your health and take proactive steps to manage your diabetes.

Diabetes may be terrifying, but it can be managed or even prevented with proper care.
Here are a few examples that you can start incorporating into your daily routine right away to control your blood glucose levels:
✅ Engage in regular physical exercise
✅ Maintain a healthy and balanced diet
✅ Manage stress on a daily basis
✅ Avoid nicotine in all forms

Recommended by diabetics and health enthusiasts all over the world!
VitaWatch measures glucose levels through your natural skin moisture, it is also equipped with sensors that are made of infrared LEDs and photodiodes, that illuminates the blood vessels on your wrist while measuring the amount of light reflected back. The advanced algorithms of our smartwatch then calculate the color and proceed to give you a report of your health.